Performances cancellation due to the COVID-19

The deadly COVID-19 affected my singing progress badly this year, The following concerts had been cancelled:

10/01/2020 Pre-match Master Class Series at the 72nd Hong Kong School Music Festival. I was supposed to learn something from those Singing Masters.
11/02/2020 Sing For Joy (Foreign Art Songs Special). If I could come out alive, I should be able to sing for the annual Best of the Best concert like last year in October. It would be my moment to shine, but no more!!! It was then re-scheduled on 14/04/2020, then on 27/06/2020 again but eventually it was cancelled after all! I missed a chance to show my talent.  
18/03/2020 Tuen Mun City Hall, The Auditorium. It was supposed to be the first time I sang in the Tuen Mun City Hall! I was told that the Auditorium was one of the best in Hong Kong.
27/03/2020 Tuen Mun City Hall, The Cultural Activities Hall. ChunLan(春蘭詠唱) supposed to give a full night performance here, but again not any more.
10/05/2020 Sing For Joy (Grand Operas Special). Did not want to repeat the worry for more cancellation, so I decided not to join any more singing in solo this year.

11-14/06/2020 An invitation to perform in Shanghai Music Hall. The organizer postponed the event until further notice.

12/07/2020 The great German composer and pianist, Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 250 years ago. The Hong Kong Cultural Centre prepared lots of programs to celebrate his birthday. One of which was that the Allegro Singers (明儀合唱團) organized a few hundreds of singers big and small to perform Beethoven's No.9 Ode to Joy / Ode an die Freude. Obviously, we all ended up at home instead!

11/10/2020 The annual concern of Hong Kong City Choir (HKCC 香港城市合唱團) usually took place in October every year, however this year we could only sing in front of a mirror at home!

Obviously, all the weekly Monday and Saturday dress rehearsals for singing were cancelled.

Since a lot of brave people risking their lives doing all sorts of things to protect us from this virus, these cancellations were a minor thing only. Salute to the brave people! Salute to Wuhan! Salute to China! Salute to the world!