LCSD Choral Concert, Tian Shui Wei

We were a bunch of serious unprofessional singers. We practised hard for every week and tried to be on top of everything. Our team consisted of a conductor, a pianist, a head manager, 2 make-up artists, field service manager, 2 assistant general managers, a costume manager, a security officer and an errand boy. A lot of hard work and thinking went behind each show.

The location for the performance was rather good, it was next to a bridge and a small river. The audiences were sitting or standing comfortably under a huge tree with the natural breeze and shading. It looked like a painting consisted of babies, parents, kids, couples, etc hanging around, relaxing and having a good time. 

紅河谷 (Red River Valley)
椰島之歌 (Coconut Island Song)
美麗的草原我的家 (The beautiful grassland is my home)
美麗的鄉村風光 (Beautiful countryside)
澎湖湾 (Penghu Bay)

花兒與少年 (The flower and the young man)
大阪城的姑娘 (Girl from Osaka Castle)

The real girls from Osaka