The Yellow River Cantata in Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Concert Hall

Organized by the Hong Kong Choir Association
黃河大合唱音樂會 在文化中心
The occasion was to Celebrating the PRC's 70th Anniversary as well as The Yellow Rivers Cantata was written for 80 years. "The Yellow River Chorus" was composed by Guang Weiran (張光年) , composed by Xing Xinghai (冼星海), premiered in 1939, and rewritten in 1941 as a major chorus for modern Chinese vocal music. The songs were impassioned and inspiring during the Chinese Anti-Japanese War.

It was a great experience to be able to immerse in the Chinese choral spectacle Yellow River Cantata by 500 choristers, and feel the magnificence of the Yellow Rivers.

怒吼吧黃河 I
怒吼吧黃河 II
Thank you to all..
News :

2019 Best of the Best

Sing for Joy by Music Path in Sheung Wan Civic Centre 5/F Theare
音樂之路舉辦精英中的精英 2019
After the whole year of the 2019 filtering and competition, we were, so to speak, the best of the best performers in 2019! Actually, I dared not to say that we were the best, I could only claim that we made less mistakes than others... Anyway, there we were, in front of 450 audiences, we sang our hearts out!
The Beginning...
The Holy City
Non Ti Scordar Di Me