Ko Shan Theatre, Singing and dancing for the Chinese Dreams

Better not to ask me why I was singing in this Theatre or for what occasion. We practised a few sessions and managed to finish the songs nicely! Some people were kind enough to shout ENCORE loudly! It was the first time I performed in this theatre, it was new and very very nice...

iSQUARE Tsim Sha Tsui to celebrate the year of the Pig!

尖沙咀國際廣場 慶祝猪年

piggy time...
Last year we celebrated the Chinese New Year with a group of small kids in this busy shopping mall, this year we carried on celebrating another Chinese New Year with them, what a joy! However, they had grown a lot bigger since then! The best part of the day was that one of our singers-wanted-to-be bought our lunch. The table was covered with food..., what a sight!