Musical night for Gao Xiao Lian's chorus group

Our chorus group gave a performance to the public in Shang Wan cultural center (上環文娛中心). I had this rare occasion to sing in a small group. Sure, we all had our first time for one thing or the other. I was a bit nervous to sing in a small group because if you were not good enough, people could hear you clearly from miles. With my fearless daunting character, I determined to try for better or worse. I had to see how bad I could be. In the end, my conclusion was that I better started from the beginning. One of the major problems was that I sing with my throat and forced my voice out in a higher pitch. Other problems were that I didn't know how to sing with resonance, the timing was not right etc. I needed to polish my skill in big ways.

There was a side story that night. An old gentleman saw our promoted poster on the street and instantly recognised his very old friend, Mr. Zheng. They had not seen each other for more than 40 years. So he appeared on the stage as our special guest!

Keroncong Kemayoran

花兒與少年 (The flower and the young man)
鄂倫春與隊在密林 (E Lun Chun with the team in the jungle)

It takes a long time to grow an old friend!