Choir Invitational Tournament, second round

We hardly had any rest yesterday and today we were on the stage in ATV Headquarters again. I was so overjoyed that I slept soundly last night! Then again, who would complain about this busy schedule? We sang the same songs today, but only fifteen of us has left in this competition now. We wanted to give a new image to the audience as well as the judges, we changed to a new set of costume... the long dark blue dress. It sounded like a uniform for the nuns, but when we came out, we looked great!!

Didn't I tell that we would be back one day?!
Torch Festival Night Semifinals (火把節的夜晚準決賽)

Choir Invitational Tournament, first round

As part of the celebration of Hong Kong returned to China for 17 years, some organisations invited 30 local chorus groups to join this competition in ATV Headquarter. We were so happy that we were one of the lucky 30. However, we only had around a month to prepare for that. So as usual, we practised very hard. Thanks to our conductor Mr. Zheng and our group leader, Lu Wei. We managed to get on the stage and performed well enough to get us through that far. It was the first time we sang in ATV Headquarter and it was kind of cool. Well, we would be back for more, one day!

We picked the following songs for our competition:
The original song, My Chinese Heart (我的中國心) was composed by a very famous Hong Kong songwriter, advertisers, writers and media creators called Huang Zhan(黄霑). Since then, there have been many different versions of the same song created for the chorus groups. The one that we had been using for this competition was created by our conductor Mr. Zheng in 1986 and it was the best version! Of course, you had to trust my integrity for that!

The other song was called Torch night (火把節的夜晚). It consisted a few semi notes which were much more difficult to sing the melodies correctly. Nevertheless, we made it to the second round. 

The relevant news to this happy occasion: 

Singing in a community group

After the crash course of music theory at home and joined a group for singing therapy as the Loudspeaker, I was ready to improve my basic skill further. I signed up a singing group in my home town in the Yuen Long City Hall (元朗大會堂). Our teacher, Ms Chiu was graduated in The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (香港演藝學院) and she was ever so patient with us. She had to be very accommodating since most of the 35 singers-wanted-to-be are beginners. We had chances to sing in front of the others and it was a very good training for me. 

My singing teacher had a good voice and you could judge by yourself from these songs.  趙老師

Where did the music teacher leave her keys?
In the piano!