50th Anniversary of the Yellow River and 60th Anniversary of Liang Zhu

Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心音樂廳

In order to promote cultural exchanges between the Belt and Road countries, pass the great Chinese culture to the world, and promote cultural and artistic exchanges and international art development between Hong Kong and the Mainland.

"Hong Kong International Music and Artists Association" and "Hong Kong Performing Arts Production Centre" co-organized "2019 International Chinese Music and Art Festival" concert series.

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the violin concerto of the historical masterpiece "Liang Zhu" 《梁祝》and the 50th anniversary of the "Yellow River" 《黃河》concerto.

News :

Hong Kong City Hall, Concert Hall

Hong Kong Chinese Cultural Association

There were more than 300 Hong Kong art lovers participated in this performance, which was held in Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall.

The occasion was to welcome to the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China and to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to the motherland as well as the 19th anniversary of the founding of the Hong Kong Chinese Cultural Association. All in all, it was a happy day for all singers big and small...


Cultural outlook (文化大觀
GlobalTimes (环球网
China brand (中国网品牌

LCSD Choral Concert in Ho Man Tin Roman Forum


I was the master of ceremonies of the night! Everyone was kept in high spirits throughout the night with me (?!) who entertained everybody with my unique blend of comedy and wit. The venues provided a very nice atmosphere for the performance. But for some reasons, as one could hear from the videos that most of the time was the wind howling on and on... Perhaps even the wind was cheering for our performance.

At the beginning...
我的中國心 (My Chinese Heart)
花兒與少年 (Flowers and teenagers)
明天會更好 (Tomorrow will be better)
I dreamed a dream
月之故 (Hometown of the moon)

Voi che sapete

渴望春天 (Longing for spring)
閃亮的日子 (Shining day)
獅子山下 (Shining day)
萬水千山總是情 (Love and passion)

My farewell to the audiences...