LCSD Choral Concert, Shang Shui

Just about a month after the last major performance, we were invited by Leisure and Cultural Services Department to give a performance in Shang Shui Ching Ho Estate basketball court. The performance was well received by the local people. The LCSD provided regular free entertainment programmes in different districts in Hong Kong, ( The government had been doing something positive to encourage some forms of cultural activities in Hong Kong.

For more free entertainment:
A man asks a trainer in the gym: "I want to impress that beautiful girl, which machine can I use?"
The trainer replied; “Use the ATM outside the gym!!!"

Affectionate Chinese heart, Tsuen Wan City Hall


Auditorium (荃灣大會堂演奏廳) to celebrate Hong Kong's returned to China for fifteen years (慶香江回歸十五載音樂會) and to celebrate the end of Tsuen Wan art festival closing ceremony (荃灣藝術節閉幕禮).

These occasions were organised by The Federation of Alumni Associations of Chinese Colleges and Universities in HK (中國高等院校香港校友會合唱團), Hong Kong Art Chorus (香港藝術合唱團) and Hong Kong Senior Education Workers' Association Ltd. (香港高齡教育工作者聯誼會合唱團). It was my first ever BIG show in public, thankfully, I was not the only performer there. What a relief!

In fact, we had more than 150 of us on the stage. All in all, I had learnt many new songs in a very short period, met a lot of like-minded people and had tons of fun experiences during this period. Well, sure, I could just about handle more of these.

We were even on CCTV news at night:
CCTV4 合唱匯演在港舉行
CCTV13 情浓大地中国心汇演在港举行

You could listen to all the songs here, 情濃大地中國心 .
 我的祖國 (My Motherland)
 潑水歌 (Splashing song)
讓世界贊美你 (Let the world praise you) 
花兒與少年 (Flowers and Teenagers)
雕花的馬鞍 (Carved saddle)
我和我的祖國 (Me and my country)
獅子山下 (Under the Lion Rock)
歌唱祖國 (Singing the motherland)
我愛你中國 (I love you China)
東方之珠 (Oriental Pearl)

Other related sites:

Joining a chorus

Like anyone else, I spent most of my time/energy in studying and working until I retired recently. Thanks to Fara who introduced me to a chorus group, 中國高等院校香港校友會合唱團(高校聯) . Since then, my life was changed into upside down! It was like going back to my long forgotten dream, but without the complication and worry of earning a living.

It was my first time to encounter this kind of music. The way they sang was called Bel canto (
美聲唱法; in English, 'beautiful singing' or 'beautiful song'). In a nutshell, I had no idea what did it mean. My first song:

雕花的馬鞍 (Carved saddle)
Q: How does a young man become a member of a high school chorus?
A: On the first day of school he turns into the wrong classroom.